FREESTYLE PHANATIX is a Scandinavian touring street-dance company spanning three generations that develop the hip-hop potential in shows, battles and stage art as well as workshops and n collaboration with community projects.
From ‘Dramaten’ in Stockholm to the Circus Building in Copenhagen, schools in Finland and on Falster.
The group has a long line of national and international titles and plenty of experience from more than 5000 shows and workshops in Scandinavia and Europe. The group’s work is steeped in messages of openness, togetherness and looking beyond skin colour and background.
Freestyle Phanatix as a group is working actively and daily with integration issues and are permeated by an open acceptance of different social and ethnic backgrounds.The group is multi cultural and multi ethnic, and one of our goals is that this should be viewed as an advantage also outside of our group. Our artists become natural role models for the youth and children they meet as audience and workshop participants, and we can see them accept our accepting unity.
Freestyle Phanatix has always been a motley crew, and our differences are one of our strengths. We demonstrate how different social and ethnic backgrounds can be an advantage and we are one example of how integration can work in the real world and community.We also gladly discuss these issues and subjects with our audience and workshop participants, our shows and workshops become a natural and relaxed setting for these discussions of sometimes hard and complicated issues.In the foundation of Hip Hop, and Freestyle Phanatix, stands the motto: Peace, Unity, Love & Having Fun. And there is no room in that for destructive opinions and intentions. For us integration isn’t a problem it is an asset! We are a group of free and different individuals, both women and men, who of a matter of course see individuals without the need of labels such as; skin color, sex, religion and background. The artists’ positive expression and the groups dynamic has on a natural result – a working equal diversity.

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